Joining the dots.
Connecting inside with outside.
Bringing together brand+culture.
That’s Lexicona. Empathetic. Curious. Thought-provoking.
Two sides, same coin.
“Hands off brand”, says Marketing.
”Hands off culture”, says HR.
We say, “They’re two sides of the same coin”.
For too long brand and culture have been seen as distinct areas of focus – almost always championed by different parts of the organisation.
In today’s hyper-transparent world, customers, B2B and B2C, want to know everything about who they’re dealing with – not just what the business chooses to show.
Unless well-managed, a brand-culture tension can lead to a loyalty drain in both customers, employees and investors – as well as a huge missed opportunity to fire up commitment, pride and followership.
Lexicona helps businesses build distinctive brands and cultures that are attuned to one another to engage, energise and empower.
What makes Lexicona different?
It’s mainly our empathy. We have an instinct for putting ourselves into your shoes – and those of your customer, your employee, your investor.
And we have enough EQ and IQ to take what we hear and turn it into something practical, pragmatic and impactful – at pace.
Finally, we’ve got the experience of working with dozens of brands over the years, helping them become who they want to be on the outside – and on the inside.
How do we do it?
It’s the start of every Lexicona project. Hearing what your customers want and need from you; what they say about you, your competitors and other brands.
And it’s no different for culture. Find and replace ‘customer’ for ‘employee’.
Treating your staff like customers seems radical. But only by understanding what they need, will you know what it will take to help them become their best – and be that best for you.
Some like structured workshops, others like something more informal. Lexicona can do both. But the goal is the same: playback what’s been said, get underneath the issues and opportunities and develop some hypotheses to test.
Even if neither exist formally, brands and cultures usually exist even in the smallest, newest companies – they’re just bound up with a founder or founding team.
And they just need articulating and bringing to life. Lexicona builds simple, practical frames to help you understand your brand and culture – and how they relate.
Then we help you get feedback on them, refine and start building products that make your brand and culture real.
“A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well.”
– Jeff Bezos
Get in touch
If you want to unlock the power of branding and culture that really works, drop us a line.